Monday, May 19, 2008

Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison

You have to ask yourself 'How did we start?' when you see these everyday poisons coming to light. For me personally, it is a case of KNOWING - no one should put stuff in you without you saying yes to it, knowing fully what the pros and cons are. For years doctors, scientists and the government have allowed various compounds to be used in substances that the consumer requires or needs, based on the fact that they are scarcely hazardous. No one gave the consumers a choice or even fully informed them simply because there was money to be made. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist or a paranoid citizen, BUT I do believe that my rights are to know what goes where and EXACTLY what effects they may or may not have on me, my body and my children. I also want to know that full tests and long-term testing has been done and what the percentage of damage and negative effects are.

These should be every person's rights so that 50 years along the line I am not surprised by someone coming forth to state that something is actually fairly dangerous and should not have been allowed back when.

Suddenly there are a lot of paranoid conspiracy theorists going 'See! I told you so!'...

1 comment:

FluorideNews said...

Take action to stop fluoridation here