Sunday, October 5, 2008


As I am currently expecting, I have deviated from the normal run of the mill baby and toddler books and instead I am reading books with names like 'Green Babycare', 'Children of NOW', 'Make It (which is a craft book for kids using recyclable materials) and 'Positive Parenting for a Peaceful world'. It is my believe that the strongest tool we have for a peaceful world will be our kids.

Currently I am reading Positive Parenting and amongst other things, the author says the following:

- Peace is never won through violence. Violence, bullying and war breed more violence, anger and war and a vicious circle of suffering.
- Peace cannot be won by ignoring violence, oppression or injustice. Pretending all is well does not make the problem go away.
- Peace can only be won when all parties build bridges toward each other. This is as true of the family and the school as it is of neighbours, communities and countries.

We cannot bottle peace and say 'apply this and all will be well'. Nor can we capture it and hang a label around it saying 'please do not disturb'. People who want to keep things 'peaceful' all the time will find that they are chasing an impossible dream. They may be dispirited or disappointed. Or they may try to control everyone and everything by imposing their views and closing their minds to other possibilities. This imposed peace is not real peace. Peace is about active engagement with people and problems so that we are better able to understand one another and find solutions that value our differences and common needs.

- Respecting ourselves and others.
- Relating well to one another.
- Reconciling differences.

Blessings to all.

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